Guru Nanak High School, Khar West, is located at Sri Guru Gobind Singh Marg, 3rd Road above Gurudwara Singh Sabha. It was established by Guru Nanak Vidyak Society in June, 1957.
It is in URC – 5 (Santacruz) block of MUMBAI (Suburban) district of Maharashtra. The school consist of Grades from K.G to X Std.
The principal of school is a professionally qualified School counsellor, career counsellor & Rational emotive behaviour therapist.
In our school students are monitored regularly on the basis of their work samples, Handwriting, Reading Comprehension, learning abilities & behaviour.
Students showing manifestations of learning disabilities & attention deficiet hyperactivity disorder are provided with remedial measures & counselling.
Parents counselling sessions are done regularly in school.
Group counselling session for study skills, stress management, time management etc. are regularly conducted in school. Career counselling sessions are done for students and parents of Std IX and X.
All this is done by well qualified and trained teachers under the guidance of principal.
This can be attributed to the dedication and team spirit of the members of the management, staff and students.
Apart from the academics, sports and co-curricular activities, due emphasis is laid on character building, personality and value education. It has a universal approach towards all religions.
"Let us remember One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world." -has rightly been quoted by Malala Yousafzai. And so happens in this School as well. Each and every student is given an equal opportunity to learn, to grow and to express themselves.
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The main purpose of starting the school is to ensure a more ethical and responsible future generation. Hence a lot of emphasis is laid on academics, value education and discipline.
Secondary UDISE No. 27230500163
Primary UDISE No. 2722500177
Index No. 32.01.038


“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.” −Abdul Kalam